Jumbo plaza, Ground floor Plot 2, Parliamentary avenue Mon – Fri: 9:00am–5:00pm. Sat/Sun CLOSED +256 751 859520     
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Real Estate is a very rich and diverse industry that facilitates the production of many services and activities. Our training programmes are therefore focused to address challenges affecting the following real estate professions and other related stake holders: Aspiring Real Estate agents, sales persons, property managers, conveyancers, lenders, borrowers, valuers, property consultants, development project analysts, facilities managers, Real Estate investors, bankers, insurers, land owners, legal, tax and account firms, planning and development professions in real estate business, industrial and hostel owners and government agencies.




A number of recent trends in business and education organization

have suggested that there are influences on the location dynamics

of the new working and learning practices.


“telecommuting” whereby students stay away from formal

classrooms but use Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

This technology facilitates the more intensive use of workplace

while enabling students the flexibility of learning. Participants can

keep their jobs and go around their lifestyles and personal

commitments while gaining knowledge, skills with support of

extensive network of tutors, instructors and administration staff.

The course will be a blend of VLE and face-to-face methodology

to give students the opportunity to make choice that is convenient

to them. This is aimed at achieving our major objective including

performance efficiency and effectiveness of participants since

some of them have busy schedules which would otherwise be

adversely interrupted if it was to be a fully traditional classroom


Module folders including study papers will be provided on

request to cater for some participants who are not much familiar

with VLE. Students will find this system more cost effective, all

embracing with the extensive network.

We wish you success as you LEARN, PRACTICE AND EXCEL.


Arinaitwe Nicholas

Executive Director




This handbook is very essential in your studies throughout the

course and should be kept safely.

1.1.1 Getting started

After receiving your study materials, you are advised to take note



-Student registration number as it will be necessary in all


    communications with the institute.

-Study materials should be checked against their content for

    each module.

    Get familiar with VLE application.

    Mark your calendar for programmes and assignments




The VLE will be your main source of communication between you

and the institute. All information related to the course will be

contained in the VLE. You should commit enough time to check

the VLE at least twice a week.


Student Induction

There will be an induction at least 2 weeks before the course start

date. Students will get essential information related to the course,

support offered, chat with fellow students and consult institute

staff and instructors on many pertinent issues related to your




REIEA Programmes

Our programmes are designed to equip participants with the

knowledge and skills that make a great improvements on

performance efficiency and effectiveness by offering a quality and

flexibility training path at both individual and organizational level.

Each programme gives you the details of what you will study and

the career level to attain after graduating. The programme

delivery methodology will be a blend of Virtual Learning

Environment (VLE) and interactive face to face before sitting for



Programme Specifications

This will be found on the VLE and contains the following important



- Course aims and outcomes

- • Transferable skills

- • Course content

- • Progression requirements

- • Teaching and assessment

- • Student support Professional membership


Delivery Methodology

There are many ways to learn, using international innovations as

well as traditional methods.

A variety of teaching materials and forums to support your studies

and learning experience are provided.

Interaction with your tutors and fellow students will be through

one or more of the following:


      Discussion forums



      Group syndicate exercises

      Discussion boards on VLE

      Webinar classes

The materials provided include some or all of the following:

    Module folder including study papers

    E-learning presentations

    PowerPoint presentations

    Textbooks via the e-library

    Video presentations DVD/CD-ROMS

    Podcasts (audio files)


It will help you get all materials, instructions and advice needed to

complete your course more especially online submission of


3.1 Accessing VLE

There will be a need to have a password and user name after your




Full instructions on how to use the VLE will be communicated

through your email address.

3.2 Key features of the VLE

        Up-to-date study materials and announcements

        Discussion forums shared by fellow participants, tutors

        and institute staff

--Online assignment submission, feedback and results

--Access to libraries

--Support of writing assignments and dissertations

There will be a fulltime course administrator ready to respond to

any issues raised through the discussion forums.



3.3 Using VLE discussion forums




Students are encouraged to discuss part of their course

work with fellow students or tutors.

You post questions or points for discussion and fellow

students respond with answers and suggestions and

vice versa.

Discussion forums are monitored regularly and considered

a lot as one of the means of exchange of academic ideas.

NOTE: Forum discussions are intended for academic issues

relating to current modules and tutors visit them on a regular

basis. They will review the latest discussions and questions and

respond appropriately.


It’s about information, advice and support to help students realize

their learning and work goals.

Student services comprise the following teams:

     Student support

     Assignments office

     Exams and progression




Student support

It consists of course administrators who provide support and give

guidance in a variety of ways. Contact details of dedicated course

administrators are available on the VLE.


Assignment Office

This office offers support in all aspects of course work submission

and can answer any questions regarding the submission problems.

It ensures correct dispatch of assignments and liaises with tutors

on the timely feedback related to course work.


Exam and Progression

The team helps on examinations and course progression issued by

providing relevant information on examinations and registration.



The admissions team furnishes applicants on details of the

courses and giving information on the opportunities to study with




Academic Staff

Course leaders

These are responsible for both the quality of learning

resources and their delivery as well as for the

academic welfare.


Module leaders

Contacts for tutors for individual modules are

found on VLE. These are specialists working in

industry and readily available to answer any academic



Course evaluation and feedback.

The feedback seeks to review and improve the students experience.

There will be:

    Quarterly course questionnaires

    Online students forum on the VLE

    Discussions with the course team at face-to-face events.


Rate our service with the opportunity to rate our services

through a link available on the VLE.

4.7 Action on Feedback

Feedback from the course questionnaires is provided to the

annual course review meeting which assesses the feedback and

decides on the appropriate action for input into the following

year’s course.

The “have your say” is monitored on the regular basis and

suggestions are set directly to the course leader and



Complaints and Appeals

A students’ complaint form can be accessed on the VLE under

“Student Services” or to the guidance notes on appeals.


Mitigating circumstances

Sometimes personal circumstances might adversely affect a

student’s studies, assignments/exams performance. A student is

requested to immediately notify the institute by submitting

mitigating circumstances as they will be needed to be considered by

the Board of Examiners.

A mitigating circumstances form is available on the VLE under

both Assignments, Exams and Progression office in the “Students

Services” section.


Assessment regulations can be found on the VLE under “Exams

and Progression” which is located in the “students Services”


Assessments allow the institute to gauge the students’ progress.

They also enable the student to consolidate what he or she

has learned. They count towards the final mark of each module.



Submission of Assignments

Online submission is more encouraged using a PDF file in Adobe

Reader and store the file on the PC before sending.

Postal submissions can also be allowed under explained

circumstances and must be before the due date. A student

can always track the progress of the submitted assignment and

will be notified through VLE if successfully received or not.


Late submissions

There are penalties for late submissions

  Assignments submitted after one week of due date will be

  subject to a 10-mark deduction.

  Assignments submitted more than one week after the due date

  deadline will be subject to “feedback only” and a mark of zero

  (0) will be awarded.

However, mitigating circumstances that have been notified to the

course administrator within 10 days of the submission date will be

considered by the Board of Examiners and, if appropriate, marks

may be reinstated.

If the assignment has been marked as late and there is a proof of

posting to the course administrators within 10 working days of the

mark being made available, it may be considered received outside

this time will not be considered.


Applying for extensions

A student is allowed to a set of number of extensions per block of


   Each extension is for seven days from the original deadline date.

   No more than one extension will be allowed.

   Extension application form is available on the VLE.


Who marks assignments and when

Subject expert tutors, the majority of whom work actively in the

real estate profession will mark the assignments.

Standard mark release dates for all assignments submitted on the

date are fixed and marks can be tracked on the VLE accompanied

with Feedback and marked hard copies returned within two weeks.


5.5 Queries about a marked assignment

Any query regarding grading of feedback must be directed to the

course administrator within two weeks of the marked assignment

being returned to the student.

5.6 Copies of course work

The student may receive original course work back with marks and


5.7 Academic misconduct:

This is about serious view of cheating and other forms of academic

misconduct whether written examinations or course works. They

may include plagiarism,collusions,poorreferencing,

paraphrasing or falsifying data, evidence or experimental results.


Under the “Exams and Progression” in the “Student services” on

the VLE will be found comprehensive information about

examination and information specific to the course. A full

candidate pack will be sent a week before examinations.


Examinations timetable

A detailed examination time table will be available on the VLE

shortly after the start of the course.


What happens if I am absent from an examination

Attendance at all examinations is compulsory if registered for them

except when prevented by illness or other non-avoidable cause,

failure of which a student will be deemed to have failed that

examination. In such circumstance, one will have to retake the

module on payment of retake and sit the examination at the next

available opportunity.

However, this is only possible if the student has notified the

institute and furnished the Board of Examiners with a medical

certificate or other documentary evidence submitted together with

a filled mitigating circumstances form.



Marks and Grades

All results are given on a modular basis and are graded as pass or

fail. A pass is a module mark of 50 or above.

Other designations may appear on results letter, these are:

   NS (Deemed as Not Sat)

   BT (Below threshold standard) and will show as fail and has a

   deficiency on performance.

S (Satisfactory). This is given especially on the work-based

   learning portfolio and has high performance.

   U (Unsatisfactory). This is when the portfolio of work-based

   learning does not receive a mark and is graded as



Release of Results

Examination results will always be released on the VLE within one

month from the time examinations are completed. This will be

followed by feedback within two weeks.


What happens when one fails?

One will be offered to retake a module again the next time it is

offered on the course and a reduced fee is payable. If one fails a

module three times, he/she will be required to leave the course.

However, a lower award may be offered.

Guidance notes for appeals are available in the “Students Services”

area of the VLE to help those who may have a genuine reason to

appeal against the results but in any case not later than one

month from receipt of results.


External examiners

For quality assurance and enhancement processes, external

examining system is very important. They help in ensuring that

awards are maintained at an appropriate standard, that our

assessment process measures student achievement rigorously and

fairly and academic standards and achievement of students are

comparable to world standards.

External examiners offer independent and impartial judgments

and are drawn from other related bodies and approved by the

accrediting institutions.






Exams and progression section will deliver the details of

registration for modules and fees as long as registration

payment arrangements are complete at least in one to two

weeks prior to the start date.


Suspension of studies

As a commitment to flexibility and choice, REIEA allows students

to suspend studies by a number of different ways.



Request for withdrawal from a course or programme of study must

be in writing. Withdrawal is permanent and only in exceptional

circumstances will one be permitted to re-apply for the course.

On withdrawal, registration with REIEA will be terminated and

VLE access removed. Where applicable, a 50% refund may be paid

in form of a discount on re-admission as provided above.



If a student is unable to complete a course for personal or work

reasons, he or she may defer the module (s) and rejoin at next

available session on payment of half fees although no refund is

given for the deferred module(s).

If a deferral is not taken at the first available session, the payment

will revert to a full module fee. Any request for deferral should not

be later than four weeks before the examination date and one week

before course work and assignment submission date.

A written notification of approval of the deferral will be

communicated in a week’s time.

Permission to defer a course or module registration for a second

time in consecutive registration period will be granted in

exceptional circumstances only.





Copyright and plagiarism


Permission is given to the use of materials protected by copy right

for purposes of non-commercial research and private study.

However, any direct reference to our quotation from someone else’s

work must be accompanied by sufficient acknowledgement failure of

which will infringe on the copyright and is considered as



Work referencing

Students are required to acknowledge source of their written work if

it is not their own and referenced using the Harvard system.


There is “Careers” area on the VLE that provide information advice

and guidance on careers.

REIEA has a pool and access to Real Estate professional experts

available for answering e-guidance careers focused queries whose

response are coaching oriented, reflecting more experience profile of

real estate professionals.


A REIEA student membership provides a spring board opportunity to


professional and work-based information from other bodies with

whom we have working relationship.

  1. Association of Real Estate Agents Uganda AREA(U)
  2. Uganda Institute of Surveyors (ISU)
  3. Institute of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK)
  4. Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Chicago (USA).
  5. International Real Property Foundation (USA)
  6. National Association of Realtors (NAR)
  7. Architects Institute of Uganda



REIEA provides a wide range of opportunities to students’

performance improvement and will always have an edge in real

estate business because the Institute will have promoted their




Foundation Certificate In Real Estate
  FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE IN REAL ESTATE PRACTICE: This is a spring board for aspiring real estate agents, sales persons,property managers and marketing agents. Participants are introduced to the nature of real estate, marketing and sales skills, legal and ethical issues in real estate practic ....
Advanced Certificate in Real Estate Practi
ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN REAL ESTATE PRACTICE (ACRP)  The ACRP programme is designed to prepare participants who are already practicing real estate with a professional management agency and are interested in improving their career performance and effectiveness. It aims at imparting knowledge sk ....
Specialist Designation
SPECIALIST DESIGNATION IN REAL ESTATE PRACTICE ( SADRP) This programme provides specialists knowledge and skills to participants by equiping them with the understanding of models that identify successful systems for handling critical and complex issues related to built environment. It introduces pa ....

Application form
Making your application
Application to our programmes can either be made using the online application or picking the forms directly from our offices upon payment of $30 USD All applications are supposed to be accompanied by a recommendation dully endorsed by an appropriate authority, organisation, employer or an establi ....
The e-learning platform will enable trainers to upload notes, assignments, lesson plans and quizzes for students to do online or download as take home. Quizzes will have a functionality to auto mark students, assign marks and grade.

WebAdmin | WebMail

Real Estate Institute of East Africa

Address: Jumbo plaza, Ground floor

Plot 2, Parliamentary avenue

Phone: +256 751 859520

Mobile: +256 700 300300

Mobile: +256 702 246277

Email: info@reiea.org.ug





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Position held
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I - hereby certify that the information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In the event that it is found out that the above information is false, I accept any penalties against me as per the rules and the regulations of the institute.